Countries That Are Not Difficult To Get A Work Visa

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Most times, procuring a work visa in a foreign country is a challenge. Especially If you have no qualifications or skills, then you won’t be eligible for most work visas. Usually, you need to have a job first, and then your employer will sponsor you for a work visa.

However, several countries offer visa alternatives for digital travelers and freelancers making it easier for self-employed individuals to get a work visa. So here goes…

• Estonia
• Norway & Svalbard
• Australia
• New Zealand
• Germany
• Netherlands
• South Korea
• Canada
• Ireland
• The Czech Republic
Note that these countries were selected based on their several work visa options and their unique opportunities for independent work.

Estonia is one of the susceptible European countries to get a work visa for digital nomads. It offers an outstanding visa program allowing you to stay in Estonia for a year as a tourist while working remotely.

To qualify for this visa, you have to prove that you are working with telecommunication technology and have a work contract. You can either prove that you have a work contract with a foreign employer/company or that you are doing freelance work for clients you have a contract with.

Norway provides a visa for persons who want to live and work in Svalbard. Svalbard is an independent territory from Norway, and it’s one of the easiest countries to move to because you don’t actually need a visa. However, to get to Svalbard, you have to go through Norway, and you may require a visa for Norway- hence the visa.

Once you get the visa and enter Svalbard, you can stay there indefinitely as long as you have enough money to support yourself and you can provide proof that you are employed.

But, you should know that Svalbard is not an easy country to live in due to its extremely cold climate and bear population( I can actually feel you cringing from this piece of information…lol).

Australia gives various working visa programs and that’s because there are so many visa options available, which makes it easy to get a work visa because you have higher chances to qualify for at least one visa type. Nonetheless, meeting the criteria is not that easy.

Usually, you have to be between 30 to 55 years old, have higher education, be an expert in your field, and have relevant work experience. You can also apply for a sponsor visa if you have found a job in Australia, and your employer will support you for the visa. Depending on your situation, you can apply for one of the following visa types:
~ Employer Nomination Visa
~ Skilled Employer-Sponsored Regional Visa
~ Skilled Independent Visa
~ Skilled Recognised Graduate Visa
~ Business and Investment Visa

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Like the earlier mentioned countries, New Zealand has numerous working visa categories. This makes it easier for you to search and find a visa that suits your particular set of skills. The best part about a New Zealand work visa is that people over 50 have several options they can choose from.

In addition to this, New Zealand offers a working holiday visa available to the citizens of a country that have a consensus with New Zealand. You can stay in New Zealand with a working holiday visa for up to 12 months. So, for example, if you are from the UK or Canada, you can apply for a 23-month working holiday visa. Isn’t it amazing?

Germany, one of the countries I am gradually taking interest in; It is an easy country to get a work visa because of its labor shortage. Due to an aging population, Germany is focused on bringing in more immigrants to fill in the labor market. However, to get a work visa for Germany, you have to be a skilled individual and have work experience.

Here’s the icing in the cake( though I don’t eat icing), If you don’t have a job offer in Germany, you can always apply for a job seeker visa, letting you stay in Germany for several months and find work.

Once you have a job, you can apply for a regular work visa. In addition, Germany has a freelance visa option for those who want to work on their own.

The Netherlands has an excellent program for entrepreneurs and start-up business ideas. If you have a business idea that meets the qualifications, you can apply for a one-year residency. During this time, you will meet with a mentor, work on your business, and make sure it’s a success.

After your one-year residency visa expires, you can apply for a self-employment visa or a regular residency visa which allows you to work in the Netherlands.

For native speakers of the English language, South Korea is one of the easiest countries to get a work visa to. This is because of its E2 teaching visa, which allows you to move to South Korea and teach English with only a bachelor’s degree. Wow! But hold up! To qualify for an E2 Korean visa, you have to a native of one of the following countries:

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~ U.S.A
~ Canada
~ Australia,
~ New Zealand
~ England
~ Ireland
~ South Africa

Canada is always looking for new citizens and provides several working visa options. One of the most popular immigration programs is the Express Entry Program which is a points-based program, so you must score enough points on the scoreboard to qualify for the visa. You are usually assessed based on your skills, education, work experience, age, training, and language skills.

If you don’t qualify for the Express Entry Program, you can explore other visa options. For example, Canada also offers a temporary foreign worker program and a postgraduate visa for international students who want to work there after their studies are over.

You can get a work visa to Ireland quickly via a working holiday visa. To qualify for a working holiday visa in Ireland, you have to be a citizen of the following countries:

~ Argentina
~ Australia
~ Canada
~ Chile
~ Hong Kong
~ Japan
~ New Zealand
~ South Korea
~ Taiwan
You can stay and work in Ireland with a working holiday visa for up to 12 months unless you are from Canada, then you can stay for up to 24 months. Intriguing!

If you don’t meet the standards for a working holiday visa, then Ireland has other working visas such as the General Employment Permit. To get a General Employment Permit, you have to find a job in Ireland (no limitations to the job), or qualify for intra-company transfer.

You can also get a Critical Skills Employment Permit. But, for this visa, you have to be highly skilled, and you must apply for a job in a profession that is in scarcity in Ireland.

The Czech Republic is easy to get a work permit largely because it offers a great opportunity for freelancers. You can apply for a long-term visa known as the “Zivno visa” based on a trade license. To qualify for a Zivno visa, you have to provide a copy of your trade license or documentation that proves you will be working while you are in Czechia.

Also, the Czech Republic presently has the highest rate of open job vacancies in Europe. So, as long as you find a job there, you can apply for a regular work visa and go to Czechia.

Go on! Peruse this list and check which of them best suits you.

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