Fully Funded DAAD Leadership for Africa Masters Scholarship in Germany

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Are you a bachelor degree holder, who dreams about studying for a Master’s degree in Germany? You live as a national or refugee in ChadDR CongoNigerNigeriaTogo, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania or Uganda?? The Leadership for Africa scholarship programme is the opportunity for you:


The scholarship programme “Leadership for Africa” (LfA) aims to support the academic qualification and advancement of young refugees and national scholars from the countries listed above at higher education institutions in Germany. In times of conflicts and displacement in various African countries, this programme intends to contribute to the education of future leaders, who will be essential for the further development of their home countries. “Leadership for Africa” offers scholarships for Master’s studies in Germany to qualified applicants in all fields of study except for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Law, Arts and Architecture. All “Leadership for Africa” scholarship holders benefit from a complementary training programme in good governance, civil society and career development. The mandatory programme must be completed in addition to the regular studies.


  1. This scholarship is different from the Famous DAAD EPOS Scholarship
  2. Unlike the DAAD EPOS scholarship LFA doesn’t require 2 years work experience
  3. Also Application for Scholarship is submitted through the DAAD Portal and not to the Universities
  4. You need to apply for the scholarship first then apply for admission in spring 2024 (March -June)
  5. Scholarship can be used on any Masters programme
  6. There is no age limit
  7. Application period is from 3rd April to 9th June 2023

Value of Scholarship

  • German language course (up to 6 months) in Germany before the start of the study programme, including the coverage of the test fees for a German language certificate (TestDaF or DSH test), pocket money and accommodation (only during the language course). The DAAD decides whether to fund participation and for how long depending on German language skills and study requirements. Participation in a language course is compulsory.
  • Monthly scholarship rate payments of 934 EURO
  • Adequate health, accident, and private/personal liability insurance in Germany
  • Travel allowance
  • Yearly study allowance
  • Additional mandatory training programme LEAD!
  • If applicable, monthly rent subsidy and monthly allowance for accompanying family members (spouse and/or children)
    Please note that family reunions may be time-delayed or even not be possible during the duration of the scholarship, due to the duration of the visa processes for some home or host countries.

ELIGIBILIY- Who can apply?

The programme targets two groups:
1) Highly qualified refugees who hold refugee status and fulfil the necessary qualifications for Master’s studies in Germany.
Applicants must fulfil the following conditions:

  • Holding refugee status in their host countries, being granted before 3rd of April, 2022
  • Country of asylum must be either Chad, DR Congo, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania or Uganda
  • Completed Bachelor’s degree at the time of application


2) Highly qualified graduates from Chad, DR Congo, Niger, Nigeria, or Togo who fulfil the necessary qualifications for Master’s studies in Germany.
Applicants must fulfil the following conditions:

  • Citizenship of either Chad, DR Congo, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania or Uganda
  • Country of residence is Chad, DR Congo, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania or Uganda
  • Completed Bachelor’s degree at the time of application

What requirements must be met?

  • Successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree at the time of application which meets the requirements of German universities for entering a Master’s degree.
  • A Bachelor’s degree of at least 2nd class upper division level is required
  • As a rule, not more than 6 years should have passed since the completion of the last academic degree (see important information for scholarship applicants / Section A, point 2)
  • Good English or good German language skills
  • For Refugees: Copy of Refugee ID card issued before 03.04.2022.
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Explanatory note: Please note that the scholarship applicant is responsible for ensuring to apply for admission at the German host university by the due date. The application process for the winter term 2024 is not available at the time of application for the scholarship. Application periods for winter term programmes at German universities usually start in spring every year. Please be aware that a Scholarship Award Letter from the DAAD is only valid if you have been admitted to a master’s programme at a public German Institute for Higher Education.

Language skills

The language of instruction in study programmes in Germany is usually German, or in international programmes English and/or German. To be admitted to a programme, you are therefore usually required to submit an appropriate language certificate (e.g., DSH or TestDaF if the language of instruction is German, TOEFL/IELTS in case of English). The necessary language skills for the desired field of study must be proven at the latest by the start of study programme. Suitable proof of necessary language skills or the ability to acquire them within the German language course must be submitted with the application documents.

Application documents

Please note that all documents must be uploaded to the DAAD portal. Incomplete applications will be formally rejected and will be excluded from the application process.
The following documents may be scanned in non-certified form and uploaded to the DAAD portal. If you submit documents in your national language, you must include English or German translations.
Note: The DAAD reserves the right to request certified copies of the documents or the originals at any time in the application process.

Required documents:

  • Online DAAD application form duly completed (available on the DAAD portal)
  • Curriculum vitae (max. 3 pages) containing information about your academic career to date, former scholarships, current address and current or previous employers. Please use the European specimen form at https://europa.eu/europass/en.
  • Letter of Motivation (1-3 pages) containing a precise description of your academic/professional and personal reasons for the planned study project. Please also read our Important Scholarship Information / Section B, Point 1.
  • DAAD Form “Study course profile” duly completed (please specify 3 Master’s programmes). Please be aware that DAAD does not consider your suggestions of master programmes which charge tuition fees. This should be taken into consideration while deciding for the master programmes.
  • Learn how to search for Tuition Free, English taught courses Here
  • Please also note the information on how to fill in the form ‘Study course profile’. The form can be subject to change every year, therefore only access the most recent version by using the link above.
  • Applicants who already hold a Master’s degree or are in the process of completing a Master’s degree can only be considered in well-justified cases, if they can explain conclusively, why they would like to obtain another master’s degree. Please fill in the form “Additional Master’s Degree”.
  • Proof of necessary language skills for the desired master’s programmes. Please also read our important information for scholarship applicants / Section A, Point 9.
  • University degree certificate indicating final grade(s) including transcripts of records for all study years with all individual grades incl. explanation of grading system
  • Copies of your passport/national identification card and copies of your passport’s/national identification card’s biodata page and other documents containing information about you and your current residence status
  • For refugees: Refugee ID-Card and UNHCR registration or official proof of asylum by authorities or government.
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Other documents that might be of relevance to your application (e.g., certificates of employment and/or internship, proof of former scholarships, extracurricular engagement, recommendation letters, (expired) admissions to a German master programme).


A pre-selection will take place based on the submitted application documents. Only complete applications with all mandatory documents will be considered. Preselected candidates will be invited to an (digital) interview with an independent selection committee of university professors.
In addition to previous achievements in university (Bachelor’s degree), language skills and the general motivation, the main selection criterion is a convincing description of the planned studies in Germany and the suitable choice of study programmes in the DAAD form “Study course profile”.
To ensure equal opportunities, social criteria such as special life circumstances, migration background or students from non-academic families can play a role. Criteria such as social engagement about which you can provide information in the application form are also taken into account.

For further information on the selection procedure, please refer to the Important Scholarship Information, Section E.


  • Applications have to be submitted exclusively via DAAD portal (See Links below).
    Applications submitted through other channels or to other authorities will not be considered.

    The DAAD portal closes at 24.00 hrs. Central European Summer Time (CEST) on the last application day.
    Incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their applications are complete.
    Please note that the “Application portal” tab in the scholarship database only appears while the current application period is running. Once the application deadline is expired, the portal for this programme is not accessible until next year’s application period.
  • During scholarship application you will choose 3 desired Courses (First, second and third choice). You have to apply for admission to atleast one of these courses. The course

1. Register in the DAAD portal (Read notes about registering in the portal >>)

2. Applying online in the DAAD portal (Read notes on applying in the portal >>)

  • Download and complete the online application form
  • Prepare application documents
  • If necessary, translate documents (unless they are already in German or English).
  • Scan paper documents (except references) and save in PDF format. Please note that you can only upload PDF files to the portal.
  • Upload the completed application form and the other application documents to the portal in PDF format. Translations, if applicable, should be uploaded together with the document issued in the original language.
  • Submit the uploaded application documents online.

Application deadline

Application deadlines are updated at least once a year. In most cases, they are in the same period as the previous year. You can find the current dates here:

June 9th, 2023


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Citizens or residence of either Chad, DR Congo, Niger, Nigeria, or Togo ACCESS OFFICIAL SCHOLARSHIP PORTAL

Citizens and residence of either Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, or Uganda CLICK HERE TO ACCESS OFFICIAL SCHOLARSHIP PORTAL

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