The European Union’s Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme is actively engaged in supporting the Partnership to Strengthen Graduate Training and Research Capacity for Developing Climate Smart Agrifood Systems in Central and East Africa (CSAS). Orchestrated by the University of Dschang, this ambitious initiative involves collaboration among six African partner institutions and one EU technical partner. CSAS is dedicated to equipping professionals with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of developing climate-smart agri-food systems, encompassing a diverse array of disciplines such as agriculture, environmental science, climate science, and socioeconomic aspects of food systems.
Over the course of 2024 to 2028, the project is poised to train a cohort of 26 Masters and 8 PhDs, focusing on thematic areas including Climate Smart Agriculture, Agriculture and Rural Innovations, Dryland Agriculture, Livestock Production Systems, and Food Security. It aims to provide comprehensive scholarships covering full degree programs, as well as facilitating short-term mobility opportunities for students and staff across partner Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The overarching goals of the project include fostering inclusive academic mobility, enhancing curriculum development related to Climate-Smart Agrifood Systems, and bolstering climate data and information systems through the utilization of digital tools and methodologies.
About the Fully Funded European Union CSAS Scholarship
- Host Countries: Uganda | Kenya | Cameroon | Ethiopia | The Democratic Republic of Congo
- Reward: Full Scholarship
- No IELTS Required
- Subsistence allowance:
- €1230 per month for PhD candidates
- -€890 per month for MSc candidates
- €1230 per month for Trainees
- -€2370 per month for Staff
- Coverage for travel, insurance, subsistence, and accommodation included in the allowance.
- Insurance coverage (accident, travel, health) is provided throughout the scholarship duration within the limits of the grant provisions.
- Tuition fees and research contribution covered by the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme Scholarship Scheme for the “Partnership to Strengthen Graduate Training and Research Capacity for Developing Climate Smart Agrifood Systems in Central and East Africa (CSAS)”. This coverage aligns with the Memorandum of Understanding signed by partner institutions and with EU regulations.
- Available number of scholarships: 26
Application deadline: The deadline for submission is Friday 14th June 2024
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Eligibility Criteria for the MasterCard Scholarship Program.
- Scholarships are available to qualified African candidates residing in Africa.
- Training is offered in host institutions located in Cameroon, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Target Group I: Consortium member institutions hosting PhD and MSc programs within the CSAS project in the mentioned countries.
- Target Group II: African candidates residing anywhere in Africa, eligible for admission to PhD and MSc programs hosted by universities in Target Group I countries.
- Applicants can only apply to study in an institution outside of their home country.
- Female and vulnerable candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
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Criteria for selection of students for scholarship
- Validation of admission by the target host university, followed by submission of the admitted candidates list to the University of Dschang (the Coordinator), with copies to the Focal Point Persons at partner institutions.
- Compilation of received applications by the Coordinator.
- Review of documents and selection of scholarship recipients based on eligibility, authenticity of academic documents, and confirmation of admission by the target host university.
- Communication of results by the Coordinator to the scholarship awardees and host institutions.
- The signing of contracts between the Coordinator and scholarship beneficiaries, followed by sending the signed contracts to the host universities.
- Facilitation of travel and settling in/out of awardees by the host university.
Host Universities
University Of Dschang
Makerere University
Haramaya University
Egerton University
University Of Kinshasa
Bishop Stuart University
Swedish University Of Agricultural Sciences
Available Courses
PhD programs
- Climate Smart Agriculture
- 2Agriculture and Rural Innovations
- Climate Smart Agriculture & Biodiversity Management
- Dryland Agriculture
MSc Programs
- Integrated Management of Forest Resources
- Plant Breeding and Seed Systems
- Climate Smart Agriculture
- Livestock Production Systems
- Climate Change and Geomatics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Agriculture and Rural Innovations
- Climate Change and Food Security
Application Documents for the Fully Funded European Union CSAS Scholarship
- Complete Application Form
- Academic Transcripts
- Bachelors/ Diploma Certificate (Masters)
- Personal Statement
- Recommendation Letters
- Copy of passport or National ID
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Application Procedure for the Fully Funded European Union CSAS Scholarship
- Interested applicants should download a copy of the scholarship application form from the program’s website.
- Fill out the application form and submit it along with all relevant documents.
- Complete your application to any of the participating universities and the corresponding programs available and offered by the school.
- Send scholarship applications to the project coordinating office (email: csasscholarship@gmail.com) and project administrator (email: cmtankou@yahoo.com), with a copy to the Focal Persons at the target hosting universities of the preferred program.
- Note that scholarships will only be awarded to candidates with admission letters from the proposed host university.
For inquiries:
- Contact the project Coordinator, Professor Christopher Tankou, at cmtankou@yahoo.com or csasscholarship@gmail.com.
- Focal person for Makerere University: Dr. Sarah Akello at sarah.akello@mak.ac.ug or sarahakellok@yahoo.com.
- Focal person for Bishop Stuart University (Uganda): Dr. Rebecca Kalibwani at rmkalibwani@faest.bsu.ac.ug.
- Focal person for Haramaya University (Ethiopia): Associate Professor Muluken G Wordofa at mgw.tud@gmail.com.
- Focal person for Egerton University (Kenya): Professor Patience Mlongo Mshenga at pmshenga@egerton.ac.ke.
- Focal person for the University of Kinshasa (Republic of DRC Congo): Professor Raphael TSHIMANGA at raphael.tshimanga@unikin.ac.cd.
- Technical partner from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU): Dr. Emelie Zonabend König at emelie.zonabend@slu.se.
Official scholarship announcement
Find the link to the official scholarship document HERE.
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