How To Earn Money Using Your WhatsApp Platform in 2021

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When it comes to being financially stable, our minds have become so fixed on the more complex means of earning money that we tend to neglect the little things. Work smart!

When you go online, you’ll definitely come across a lot of people organizing lectures, seminars or webinars teaching about monetizing your social media platforms. The most common ones are YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. But have you ever thought of earning an extra income using your WhatsApp?

Coupled with the fact that we learn every day, the world is a dynamic place. It’s high time you started earning money from things you spend your money on. Imagine how much you spend on data every day, maybe you should do your calculations per annum, the result will astonish you.

Interested? Of course you are!

So here goes…


You can achieve this via WhatsApp personal messages, WhatsApp statuses or WhatsApp groups. But before you can get here, you have to have lots of contacts. My eyes opened to this when one day, someone I didn’t know before started a chat with me on WhatsApp. He wanted nothing but to save my phone number.

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I didn’t know that was the way to increase your WhatsApp status views; by getting more people to save your contact on their phone and also saving their contact on your phone. So to get more views, get people to have your number on their phone and also have their number on your phone.

It wasn’t too long before I noticed that he was marketing a lot of products on his status updates. From then on, I imbibed this culture. I can’t figure out how much I’ve earned just by helping friends market their products.

You also have to belong to lots of groups. Although, it is somehow annoying when people just introduce their business on a group chat without first considering the mission and subject of that group.

Every group has rules and regulations which the members have to adhere to. You have to seek the permission of the group admin before you market your business on the platform. This helps to identify hackers and other fraudulent persons who just hack into a WhatsApp group.

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Social Media platforms are not just for chatting or idling scrolling through statuses of friends and family. You can earn an extra income from updating your WhatsApp status.

  • Accomplish this by posting relevant content on your WhatsApp Status about 10 times a day.
  • Craft magic words to drive people to subscribe to view your statuses everyday.
  • Find advertisers that would pay you to post their ad on your status.
  • Find affiliate products which your audience would be interested in and share them on my status.
  • You can market the services you offer by also showing pictures of you offering such services to other customers/clients and feedbacks from customers.

If you calculate how much you use for subscriptions, you’ll find out it’s not a crime to get a reward from spending such amount.

Knowledge they say is power. Please do key into one of all these numerous ways of making money from WhatsApp. You’ll be glad you did.


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