How To Know When You Do (and don’t) Need a Cover Letter To Apply For a Job

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I can testify that writing a cover letter during a job search is often both challenging and time-consuming; especially when you intend to relocate abroad. I am also quite sure you can relate. Because of this, most job applicants are often hesitant to include a cover letter when it is not expressively required by an employer.

You should almost always submit a cover letter, even if the company doesn’t ask for one. But as it pertains to some rules, there are a few exceptions here.You need to learn about the value of cover letters, and the situations where you can avoid submitting one.

If you really want to secure your dream job, a well-written cover letter gives you a chance to sell yourself to the employer in a narrative format, and explain why you are the perfect candidate. Taking the time to match your qualifications to the job can help you get selected for an interview.

This will equally simplify the work for your hiring managers, by helping them do their job of screening applicants. A cover letter also affords you the chance to accentuate your strongest credential.

A well-written and productive cover letter also makes it clear that you are highly enthusiastic about getting the job. It shows that you want the job enough to go the extra mile.

To give additional Information
A cover letter gives you an opportunity to include details that your resume does not contain. For instance, if you are applying from a distance, your cover letter will enable you to present a rationale for relocation and to mention that you will be in the area shortly for a possible interview.

To rationalize gaps in employment
Gaps in employment with reasonable explanations can also be addressed in your letter. It is also a favorable place to give specific examples that prove you have the skills and experience listed on your resume.

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The employer may require one
Also, some employers anticipate to receive cover letters even though they did not specify that a cover letter was required in their job advertisements. Applicants who don’t take the time to compose a letter are often regarded as less motivated for the job.

In several cases, employers won’t even look at a job application that doesn’t contain a cover letter or letter of interest.
So you see, you have to include one.

But then again, lets look at times when you don’t need to bother…

You won’t need a cover letter to apply for some jobs because some employers don’t accept cover letters as part of the application process. For some other roles, there may be no way to submit one. If a cover letter is optional, it’s better to skip it if you don’t have the time to compose a well-written one. More reasons why…
When the Employer Doesn’t Need One
If the job application instructs that you should not include a cover letter, then it’s best to follow directions so as not to annoy your potential employer.

When there is no time to compose one
No letter is much better than a poorly written one. A well-composed cover letter serves as a sample of your writing ability, but the opposite is also true. If you don’t have time to write a well-crafted cover letter that pitches your skills and positions you for the job, forego the effort. In many cases, employers won’t even look at a job application that doesn’t contain a cover letter or letter of interest.

If the job application instructs that you should not include a cover letter, then it’s definitely best to follow directions so as not to annoy your potential employer.

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When There’s No Way to Submit One
Also, if the company asks you to submit your application through an online platform, and there is no place for you to submit a cover letter, don’t worry about it.

When you do enclose a cover letter with your resume, it’s crucial to make it a good one. Here are tips for writing a cover letter that will make the best impression and add value to your application.
• Avoid simply repeating your resume. Provide more examples not detailed in your resume, and broaden things mentioned only briefly in your resume. Your cover letter should have a distinct purpose regarding your application.
• Make it targeted. Be sure to compose a targeted letter that is written with the job listing in mind. Emphasis on the skills and abilities you have that make you a strong fit for the specific job.
• Keep it short. Make sure that your letters are concise (no more than one page topping out at five paragraphs) and that every statement you make conveys something notable about your qualifications for the candidacy.
• Proofread it! Errors in your cover letter can hurt your chances of getting an interview. Errors make you look careless, or worse, not educated. Be sure to thoroughly read your letter before submitting it. Consider asking a friend or colleague to read it as well to check for typographical and grammatical errors, also confusing language.

Conclusively, writing a cover letter gives your application an edge. Even if the company doesn’t particularly request a cover letter, it’s a good idea to write one if you’re interested in the role at hand. Bypass a cover letter if the employer says not to write one, or if there isn’t a place to include one in an online application form.

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