How to Learn a New Language Before Relocating Abroad

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Apart from researching about the location you want to relocate to, finding accommodation, and getting a new network, you may also need to learn a new language. This is more important if you are relocating to a country where English isn’t the main language spoken.

To avoid being stranded in your new place, you must start learning the new language before the move. This will allow you to engage with new friends, coworkers, and neighbors once you move. For more details, see below how you can learn a new language before moving.

Register for a language class
Several cities provide individual language learning centers as well as community college courses. Although the language classes may be costly you know it is necessary. Also if the class encompasses a large number of students, then you may not receive the one-on-one attention you need. So if you want a more personalized experience, hiring a private tutor would be more advisable.

Get yourself a language partner
To learn a language quickly and more efficiently, you will need a language partner in your current city. This will help you both get motivated to keep it going. Don’t choose a laid-back person, instead, it should be someone willing to go through the whole process of learning with you. To get one, you can invite a friend or co-worker who is interested in that same purpose and who won’t mind meeting with you once or twice a week.

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Watch foreign movies in the language
Once you’ve started learning the basics of a language, it’s helpful to watch foreign movies and TV shows where they speak the language you are trying to learn. This is a great way to pick up on accents and dialects, and it should also help you with the correct pronunciation of words.

You can always pause the movie to practice repeating after the characters. Consciously putting in the efforts to learn the language on a daily basis is a great way to get comfortable speaking it and constantly hearing it before the relocation.

Acquire a translation dictionary
When learning a new language, having a good dictionary for translation can go a long way in helping you learn new words and phrases. This will further assist you as you practice it daily. It may sound easy but you’d be shocked how many people forget to purchase a simple translation dictionary.

Since these bilingual dictionaries come in all sizes and are available online as well as in your local bookstores, it would be helpful getting a pocket-size dictionary that you can fit in a small purse, book-bag or briefcase. This way, you can use it whenever and wherever you need it.

Create time every day to learn
This means you have to be consistent with your learning. The best way to learn a new language is by setting aside time every day to review and practice your language skills; i’d suggest an hour. To avoid distractions, keep off social media when studying a language.

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It’s okay to make mistakes
Nothing good comes easy. From grammar and pronunciation to cultural standards, speaking a new language is not supposed to be easy. Therefore, it’s significantly vital that you step outside your comfort zone and accept your mistakes. After all, the only way you’ll learn a new language is by trying.

So keep practicing as you speak to friends, natives, and your language partner. Simply put: the more you put yourself out there and the more mistakes you’re willing to make, the more comfortable you’ll feel speaking the new language.

Download digital language learning software
Speaking of this, you can download software particularly designed to teach you languages on either your phone or computer. One such app includes Duolingo. Digital learning platforms like Duolingo offer instruction in multiple languages. They allow you to study whenever and wherever you like.

Inquire if your employer will pay for language tutoring
Your employer may have plans to cover the cost of a language class or one-on-one tutoring before the move. They may also help you find language classes after you move. All you need to do is to contact your employer’s human resources department to get the details on company policies regarding language classes.

There you have it! All you need to do is put your heart into learning that new language before the big move.

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