Asides from relocation resume, you also need to strategically write your cover letter. To show that you’re committed to the role you are applying for, your cover letter should clarify your objective to relocate soon. This article will help you understand what a relocation cover letter is and how to write one. As a bonus, you also get a relocation cover letter template.
This is a one-page document that tells your potential employer that you are relocating. Similar to other cover letters, a relocation cover letter is a way to outline your qualifications for the employer to know that you are the best candidate for the job.
• Introduction
The first thing you need to know is that the introduction must be concise yet genuine to catch your potential employer’s attention.
Then start with your enthusiasm to apply for the position and give your reasons why. You don’t have to state this at the beginning of your letter; but it may make it easier to talk about your qualifications in the next few paragraphs.
• Say why the job role is important to you
If you didn’t mention this in the first paragraph, then you need to do so now. Connect the position with relocating and itemize why it is vital to you. For instance, you may be relocating to be closer to family, or this is the best area for the position you’re applying for.
• Give an example of your relevant experience
Here, give illustrations of your experience as it relates to some of the crucial requirements the employer is asking for in the job description. Mention the outcomes of your experience and how this relates to their position. Then further elucidate on some ways this experience makes you qualified.
• Conclusion or summary
Conclude the letter by summarizing your qualifications. Then state that you’re looking forward to meeting with them to discuss your skills further. You can end with a closer like “Sincerely” or “Regards,” and sign your name, including any credentials.
Re: [Job position you’re applying for]
Dear [hiring manager],
[Introduction about your enthusiasm for the role that you are relocating for and the reasons]
[What about the position is important to you and significant reasons why you’re moving]
[Experience related to required job skills or qualifications, with examples of outcomes you’ve already achieved]
[Additional example of relevant skills or any credentials that are critical to the job]
[Conclusion with a summary of your relevant qualifications, why you are relocating and an invitation to talk]
[Current company]
With this template, go ahead with your cover letter for relocation
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