You Don’t Know What To Write About? Then Try This!

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It’s almost 5pm and I haven’t written a word today. Ask me why?

Well, I was a victim of what we call writer’s block. I didn’t just know what to write about. It was unnervingly frustrating, I tell you. My head felt like it was going in cycles. Figuratively, I couldn’t see clearly enough to write.

Of course, I’m quite familiar with how to get topics to write about. In fact, I went on a voyage round the streets of Twitter, the colourful pictures of Instagram, even status updates of friends and families, just so that I could get a steaming hot topic to develop content on (I’m sure my data will suffer for my frustration).

 But you’ll be surprised to know that even with all the entertainment news of Burna boy and Wizkid  bagging the Grammy awards, and other scintillating news, I still felt like I had a coconut head.

Okay, I went offline, dropped my phone and did some ab exercises I found on Instagram to loosen some kicks. Then, voila! I got some inspiration to write about one that caught my fancy…how to get a snatched waist.

I figured that since most homo sapiens are burdened with growing bellies filled with fat. It would be a value added content. So I thought. I set my device to begin but the words weren’t forth coming. Not as if I didn’t know what to write; it was just like there was a thick wall on all sides preventing the soldiers of literary works from invading my medulla.

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I could literally hear my inner voice screaming, ENOUGH! So I shut down. I quit worrying about wasting a whole day without doing anything (well, that’s what I told myself since I can’t go a day without writing). Then, I saw a movie.      

It was fun and fanfare until it was over. So what now? Will it be back to square one? No way!

I’m happy to share this with anyone who has at any point struggled with writing. This promises to be interesting. Hop on!

Have you heard of free writing?

When I starting writing this, it was like a light bulb moment. I couldn’t contain my excitement. Well, let’s look it up for better understanding…

Free writing is the practice of writing down all your thoughts without stopping, and without regard for spelling, grammar, or any usual rules for writing.” —

This way, you are free to just write. Express yourself by transferring all your thoughts to paper and making magic. Of course, you can proofread after writing but that’s not the point right now. Just write!

You might think that you’re writing gibberish but you’re actually freeing your mind, disentangling those jumbled up thoughts. You want to see what I’m talking about, try it. Pick up that pen or that keyboard. It’s so liberating you can actually taste freedom.

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Why do we free write?

  • It’s self explanatory. Free writing actually fulfills its purpose. Those frustrating thoughts will no longer have a hold on you.
  • You’ll no longer overthink before you get a topic to write on. It’s comes naturally, just relax and connect with your inner voice. How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Use it, before you know, strong contents begin to form. Creative ideas start to take shape, trust me, this article is a testimony.

Also, don’t burden yourself with creating Almighty contents that no one has ever seen, thinking that you want to wow your audience. You’re putting yourself on the line for more frustration when you can’t achieve it.

One more thing, when you can’t seem to put words together to develop sweet contents, don’t beat yourself up. You’re not a coconut head please, you have a functional brain, very smart.

Now have you seen that free writing is the most important part of our existence as writers? You’ll be shocked at what you can do.

Just write dear!

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