Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala’s Work Attire: Yay Or Nay?

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Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, our own World Trade Organization (WTO) Director represents Nigerian fashion as she resumed office yesterday, March 1st, clad in Nigerian Ankara.

Many comments showing admiration have been flying both online and offline.

More interesting are the comments on the ever active streets of Twitter where some persons questioned her choice of work uniform.

According to BBC news, She said in 2012 that she had in fact adopted such attire as a working mother of four to do the school run, and over time this attire had stuck.

I think having official dress code should be dependent on the rules and regulations guiding an organisation, but where it isn’t stated in the Constitution of the company, there’s nothing wrong in being appropriately dressed in any decent corporate outfit.

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Also, a company’s dress code is dependent on the kind of business that is run. For instance, casual business casual, smart casual, business/informal, semi-formal, formal, black tie, black tie optional.

Every company with a corporate dress code expect both men and women to wear classic, tailored outfits in dark, neutral colors. This way, clothing isn’t a distraction in such office environment. Employees at companies that maintain a corporate dress code often have face-to-face meetings with clients, and anticipate that clients may come into the office on any day.

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Some companies don’t want to seem dictatorial and inflexible, so they do not impose any particular dress code. Instead they advise members of staff to be dressed in any corporate outfit.

We know that in Nigeria, most organizations slated Friday as a day for traditional attire. Some Nigerians on Twitter are pleading that it be extended to work days apart from Fridays.

What do you think?

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