Make Money With These Popular Food and Snacks

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One income source that will NEVER go extinct is what I am about to lay bare for you. I’m sure some of you are already doing one or more of these varieties depending on where your niche lies. But if not, this is an opportunity for you to carefully consider which line of food or snack business you want to venture into. I should let you know that this article doesn’t exhaust the number of snacks and food you can consider to do as a business, but I hope this guides you into making the right decision for you.

I’m starting with this because of how cold it is today after it rained cats and dogs. This food is most likely what 80% of you ate this morning either with pap or bread. Do you ever wonder how much people make from doing this every morning?

You’ll also notice that akara is also sold in the evenings. The aroma is distinct and I dare say, attracts many of us to places where they are sold. And it is all gone as soon as it is scooped out of the hot oil. What does this tell you? POPULAR DEMAND! You don’t even need to do too much marketing. Just do a survey and discover a central area where your stand won’t be missed.

You can even invent certain marketing strategies to stand out; something that would draw customers to you like bees to a honey comb. And make sure you know how to make the perfect Akara balls.

The amazing thing about small chops is that you don’t need any party for a small chops business opportunity to come your way. People order small chops when they are having a small get together, a meeting, a picnic or even just to eat. All you need to do is to spread your tentacles, tell someone to tell someone, especially as the weekend is coming. You’ll be sure to make good profits even as you rest from the long week at the office.

Popularly called bird food, this is the most common food eaten by all. From Rice and sauce, Fried Rice, Coconut Rice, Ofada rice, Palm oil Rice, Chinese fried Rice to the world’s best Jollof rice, you can never go wrong. If you can prepare it, then you are good to go. This is because when people taste a great meal, they are already thinking of how to contact the caterer; especially when they have need for an event or party. So be sure to let your food taste and aroma precede you.

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Chips and fries can be eaten with sauce or grilled chicken or fish. In other words, whether baked, roasted or fried; apart from munching on it as a snack, it is used as a side dish. So it’s not just a street food. You can leverage on either yam, potato or plantain chips as a business. You can make and supply to supermarkets and shops. And even offices.

Because I have some experience doing this business, I can tell you that it is one you should consider getting into. People love scrumptious tasting chin chin, not just that, nice packaging. Maybe in cute transparent plastic bags tied with curly ribbons which make it attractive to the eye. If you think about this, you can be very sure that people will patronize you. You will even have clients that you deliver to their offices, shops and parties where it can be used as an appetizer. You could even make it interesting for children parties by cutting it in shapes children love.
Just imagine the kind of profit you’ll make, it’ll blow your mind.

Let me start with this? Have you ever seen a wedding or birthday party without a cake? This tells you how important and lucrative the cake baking business is.

We may all know how to bake a nice Cake but the icing design is where the money is. If you want to try this business, you have to be creative. A good cake baker friend of mine says that cake is art. And I believe her because she makes some nice cake designs that you won’t even believe unless you are told it is a cake.

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So apart from a good cake butter or fondant icing, your cake must also have a great taste. The kind that melts into your mouth even as you savor the feeling. (I’m sure you know what I mean). This is important because almost everyone is into the cake baking business these days. But you need to be very good at it to stand out.

Moi Moi is a snack and a meal at the same time. It is often sold, wrapped in foil paper or attractive little bowls or served as a side dish with our amazing Jollof rice. If you can set up shop in a place where lots of people come together; office complex, schools, churches to mention but a few, you will be making good money.

Also, find events caterers, shops and supermarkets you can supply to on a daily basis. So you already know how important this food is to any ceremony. Package yours very well even as the taste is awesome and let it speak for you.

For bean cakes and bean pudding, you don’t have to worry about how to wash the beans and remove the chaff. This is because bean flour is now sold everywhere. That’s another business strategy, selling flour. See…they’ve made it super easy.

As I earlier mentioned, this article doesn’t exhaust the food and snacks you can look into as a form of business. You need to do a proper market survey before you start your own food and snack business.

With all the successful businesses owned by people who have taken the bull by the horns and started doing something, what are you waiting for? Draft a business plan before you start, of course and study laws governing food and it’s safety so as to be on the safe side.

Another secret you should know: learn to take good food pictures. You’ll agree with me that there are some pictures of food you see and you start salivating. So maybe you should check out food photography: very important for you to stand out in your food and snack business. First impression matters after all.

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