Over time while women are being celebrated, I’ve encountered men who complain that women are being put in the spotlight all the time. Their contention is that men aren’t appreciated as much as the women. This begs a question: Are men insecure or jealous when attention is fixed on the opposite gender?
Women aren’t even asking for too much. We want to be seen and appreciated for who we are and what we’ve achieved. This won’t automatically make our heads too big for our bodies. We also respect our men. Everyone needs some form of accolades, whether male or female, young or old. I need not tell you how expedient appreciating someone is; and how it would help to improve that person’s output subsequently. As one of the ways to express courtesy, we all need to imbibe this quality as it goes a long way to ameliorate interpersonal relationships.
International Women’s Day is an important March 8th annually. It’s a day to appreciate women and their different achievements in all spheres of life. In recognizing women, most people are inclined to those who have attained some level of height in their career, whether financially, economically, socially or culturally.
Our focus needs to also be turned towards women who have mastered home management. In Nelson Mandela’s Long Walk To Freedom, most of the household chores were ascribed to be women’s work. While the men had to go out working on remote farms or mines. It’s apparent that the role of women in the family is as important as that of the men.
There are also women who daily sacrifice in the comfort of their homes just so that their children are fine, women who bear scars from family pressures yet come out unscathed, women who are caged in decision making either within or outside their family and still break forth in their own little way; like a bird freed from a hunter’s trap, etc.
A lot of women walk around with scars accumulated over time from gender based violence, rape, verbal abuse, emotional abuse or even physical abuse. All these seem to affect their output both at home and in the society.
Most women battle with low self-esteem as a result of all these. But she has to rise above all the downsides of her past experiences, look on the bright sides, relearn and rise up like a phoenix.
Every woman must first recognize herself and value her achievement no matter how little. She needs to be aware that there’s no limit to what she can do if she puts her mind to it.
The woman performs the role of wife, partner, organizer, administrator, director, re-creator, economist, mother, disciplinarian, teacher, health officer, artist and queen in the family at the same time. She completes the home.
Women primarily take care of children and other members of the family. Whenever there’s a change in the financial level of the family and the economic situations of a society, women play a role in helping the family adjust to new realities and challenges.
“Strong women aren’t simply born. We are forged through the challenges of life. With each challenge, we grow mentally and emotionally. We move forward with our head held high and a strength that can not be denied. A woman who has been through the storm and survived.
We are warriors!”
I know a strong woman and I am one. Do you?
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