“My Wife Is Cheating On Me With A Cucumber”, Man Laments

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A man discovered this heartbreaking information about his wife when he accidentally ate the cucumber he found in her bag. Yuck! Here’s his story…

“I discovered that cucumber never gets finished in my wife’s handbag which wasn’t an issue to me. Because of that I buy it most times when returning from work with groundnut to go with it.

I felt like eating cucumber yesterday but couldn’t buy so I went to my wife’s handbag and took the one there with the hope that I would replace it for her the next day. My wife saw me eating it and joined me.  Before I told her that I took it from her hand bag and she screamed. Before I knew it, my wife began to vomit. After which she unconsciously told me how long that particular cucumber had been in her bag and how she inserts it in her private via masturbation

The most amazing thing to me is that, that is what she uses to keep herself warm erotically during the day in her office. Meanwhile my wife doesn’t allow me rest at night especially weekends.

The cap of my private is hurting because of constant sex. We have sex a minimum of 4 times between Monday and Friday, but am scared of weekends because just the way we eat morning, afternoon and night food, that is how my wife engages me in sex morning, afternoon and night on Saturdays and Sundays.

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My church starts by 7am on Sunday but my wife engages me in sex between 4:30am and 5am. Meanwhile we had sex before we slept ooo.

I have been dancing to her tune so she doesn’t have any reason to misbehave yet she still cheats on me with cucumber.  So disgusting!”

Will I say I understand his plight? No!

But there are steps the couple can take to solve this, they are:

Talk about it

Most comments read that the wife needs deliverance but it is a dicey situation which needs careful handling. It could lead to infidelity, separation and eventually divorce. The couple need to sit together for a civil conversation in order to voice out their concerns. The husband should explain how he feels to his wife and vice versa. Talking about it would help each partner understand how it affects both of them.

See a therapist

In situations like this, the couple could also see a therapist who will teach them how to manage any issues associated with sexual desire.

Discover the truth

It is also important that you know the reason why you’re the way you are. Couples in this situation should study materials, listen to audio classes from professionals, run tests to ascertain each other’s sexual make up.

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Be intentional about intimacy

Knowing that the sexual relationship between spouses change through the different seasons of marriage, both parties need to help each other even as they adjust. Time would come when either one of them would no longer be as interested in sex as they were ab initio. So they need to apply the knowledge they’ve acquired from studying about their bodies and intentionally make it work.

Understand each other

Understanding is a very important tool to the success of marriage. As regards the subject matter, your partner’s expectations, desires, likes, and dislikes is important—not only in terms of their sexual style and comfort level, but how they need to feel loved and appreciated, and ultimately happier in your marital relationship.

Conclusively, it is expedient that both parties treat issues like this promptly and with caution. They have to be on the same page when it comes to their level of commitment. Only then, can they attempt to work out whatever differences they may have.

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